深圳吉莱特照明科技有限公司是与北美著名的半导体照明技术专业公司---GL LED Lighting INC 合资组建,座落于宝安区福永镇邻近深圳国际机场,交通便利。吉莱特照明科技公司集设计、研发、生产、销售于一体的LED照明灯具专业生产企业,全面 引进北美最先进的半导体照明技术,主要产品LED 射灯、LED天花灯、 LED吊顶灯、LED日光灯、LED驱动、遥控和调光系 统等诸多品种,经过多年的发展,公司拥有雄厚的研发,生产和销售 实力,正逐步发展为中国LED灯光行业内实力厂商之一。 吉莱特优良的品质在行业内树立了良好的口碑。吉莱特照明在秉承一丝不苟、精工细作的产品制程的同时,以生产绿色、环保照明产品为历史使命,执诚“行业领先,服务至上”的经营理念,并相继通过了UL、ETL、CE、ROHS等产品认证。 LED产品具有安全、高效、节能、环保、稳定性能好等优点,广泛应 用于家居和商业照明场所、公园、桥梁、酒店、城市亮化工程。产品自 上市以来,畅销于国内几十个省市自治区,以及东南亚、欧美等国外地区 ,并在海外设有产品认证服务及市场推广机构,深受海内外商家和用户 的欢迎。 Our LED lighting factory was established in Shenzhen, China. We specialize in a complete line of LED products including Spotlights, Hanging Lights, Panel Lights, Tubes, Bulbs and High Bay and etc. Widely used in office, home, commercial and industrial lighting. We also provide LED drivers, controllers and dimming systems to customer. At GL Lighting, we believe that Quality and Safety are the key success factors to our business. All of our products have been granted with ISO-9001; cETLus, UL, and CE certifications, which guarantee the quality and safety of our products. Quality First because Quality Lasts